Learn how to conduct efficient, cost-effective, on-farm composting that promotes compost quality and protects water quality. This OSU Extension publication includes six chapters:
- On-Farm Composting: What You Need to Know
- Site Selection
- Compost Site Layout and Design
- Choose the Composting Method That's Right for You
- The Composting Process and its Impact on Water Quality
- Manage Runoff and Leachate
Examples of On-Farm composting in Oregon
These experienced farmers incorporate composting into their farming operation in various ways.
Winter Green Farm
Agricultural Composting in Oregon
OSU faculty and staff interviewed 26 established agricultural composters mainly in the Willamette Valley. All of these crop and livestock farmers integrate composting into their farming operations. Survey results provide insight into the practices used to protect water quality and attitudes about the regulation of composting. Survey results are available in the WSARE final project report: Protecting Water Quality and Promoting Economic Efficiency at Agricultural Composting Facilities (Project OW10-329).
This Extension publication and survey were funded by a Western Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education Producer + Professional grant from 2010-2013.
Marc Anderson (OSU Extension) demonstrates
his windrow turner at ACRES.
WSU Extension Compost Resources
This WSU website includes:
- Instructions for measuring compost bulk density
- The WSU Compost Mix Calculator which helps you determine optimal feedstock ratios
- Description of a simple bioassay for testing herbicide residues in compost (i.e. clopyralid)
- Compost facility operator training workshop at WSU-Puyallup
Other Composting Resources
Our composting resources page includes links to the following information:
- Introductory composting information
- Environmental considerations
- Using compost and organic wastes on farms
- Composting at livestock operations
- Regulatory information for Oregon
- Detailed technical information
- Compost organizations