Renovation should be a last resort. When pastures are mismanaged, soil compaction and weed infestations are a result. The initial choice is often to work up the soil and renovate the pasture with desirable forage species. However, unless the pasture management plan changes for the better, landowners typically end up with the same problems in just a few, short years. Give some thought to an overall management plan, before investing the time, money and energy in renovation.
Pasture and Hayland Renovation for Western Washington and Oregon - Pasture and hayland renovation is a tricky business. Proper weed and nutrient management, seedbed preparation, and seed selection are important prior to the actual planting date. This renovation guide reviews the decisions that need to be made for a successful planting project.
Revitalizing your pastures: A primer for overseeding pastures in Western Oregon - Overseeding is the practice of improving a pasture by seeding into an already growing pasture. Overseeding can be a great alternative to fully renovating pastures but does require planning ahead and proper conditions.
Selecting the proper grass species that fit the property's soil type is one important step in determining a renovation plan. Here are publications that include recommended seeding rates of primary forage grasses in Oregon.
Tall Fescue - Tall fescue is a perennial, cool-season bunchgrass that is grown for pasture, hay, and silage. Native to Europe and North Africa, it was introduced from Europe to North and South America.
Forage Information System Website - Additional information about forage species, characteristics and yield trial data is available on the Forage Information System website.