Managing Dairy Grazing for More Milk and Profit - This publication covers how pasture grows, understanding grazing systems, and forage quality. It also covers advanced tools for managing high-intensity grazing systems, such as the feed wedge (also called pasture wedge or grazing wedge).
Owning a Dairy Cow or Goat - If you already own a cow or goat, this publication will give you information about caring for your animal and using the milk produced. If you are still choosing, remember there is a tremendous variation in the capacity of individual dairy cows and goats to produce milk.
Raising Dairy Heifers on Pasture - Offers references on pasture and grazing, discusses custom heifer-raising and costs of raising heifers on pasture.
Manure & Nutrient Management
Composting: An Alternative for Livestock Manure Management and Disposal of Dead Animals - Livestock producers constantly face the challenge of managing manure, dead animal disposal, and meeting environmental regulations. Composting is a possible alternative for handling manure. The benefits include reduced volume, enhanced soil fertility and texture, and reduced environmental risk.
Meeting the Nutritional Needs of Ruminants on Pasture - Provides managers with tools and references to consider biological and climatological variables and make decisions that ensure the ecological and economic viability of a grass-based ruminant livestock operation.
Feeding the Dairy Cow During Lactation - Information on the main stages in the lactation cycle of dairy cows, lactation biology, and feeding.
White Muscle and Other Selenium-Responsive Diseases of Livestock - The underlying cause of white muscle disease is a dietary deficiency of the trace element selenium (Se). There is a fairly clear-cut relationship between soil, plant, and animal factors.
Other Dairy Resources
OSU Dairy Program - The Dairy Processing Program at Oregon State University is primarily an extension program. The mission of this program is to promote the production of safe and high quality dairy products and to support a healthy and sustainable dairy industry in Oregon.
Oregon Department of Agriculture Rules and Regulations for Dairies - License requirements, milk safety references, and resources.