Tree Fruits & Nuts


Mid-Columbia Agricultural Research and Extension Center - Weather links and pest models, soil fertility, pest management, post harvest and integrated fruit production information.

Tree Fruit Research & Extension Center - Soils and nutrition, pest management, horticulture, post harvest and organic production information.

Pest Management Guide for Tree Fruits in the Mid-Columbia Area - This pest management guide discusses safely using pesticides, the best times of use, and guides from start to finish.

Growing Tree Fruits and Nuts in the Home Orchard - With a desire for abundant supplies of their favorite fruits and nuts produced right in their own back yards, homeowners plant backyard orchards every year.

Using Horticultural Mineral Oils to Control Orchard Pests - This crop protection guide covers pesticide safety, recommendations, fruit programs, weed control, and more. 

Training and Pruning Your Home Orchard - Provides general rules for training, pruning, and limb bending, and explains open-center, central-leader, and espalier training. Outlines specific guidelines for training and pruning apple, pear, sweet cherry, sour cherry, peach, prune, plum, apricot, fig, persimmon, walnut, hazelnut, and chestnut trees. Includes 17 figures that illustrate various techniques.

Apples & Pears

Orchard Economics: Establishing and Producing Medium-Density Apples in Hood River County - For growers and investors who are considering the economic and financial consequences of planting a medium-density apple orchard.

Apples Nutrient Management Guide -Determining fertilizer needs based upon annual growth, size, and color of leaves and fruits, specifically for apples.

Pear Fertilizer Guide -This guide explains fruit tree fertilization to supplement soil-supplied nutrients.

Picking and Storing Apples and Pears - A given variety of apple or pear reaches harvest maturity at about the same time each year. This publication discusses picking and storing apples and pears in Oregon.


Growing Hazelnuts in the Pacific Northwest - A series of publications covering all aspects of hazelnut production.

Enterprise Budget Hazelnut, Willamette Valley Region - This enterprise budget estimates the typical per-acre costs associated with eastern filbert blight resistant (EFB) hazelnut production in the Willamette Valley. It should be used as a guide to estimate your actual costs and does not represent any specific farm.

Hazelnut Pollinizer Cultivars - This publication outlines characteristics of each pollinizer cultivar, including incompatibility alleles, flowering and nut characteristics, and pest tolerance. The data presented in this publication were collected from the original seedling tree of each pollinizer cultivar, and these cultivars currently are being evaluated in replicated trials and commercial plantings.

Nut Growers Handbook- Oregon Hazelnuts - The following reference guide for hazelnut growers was prepared by Jeff Olsen, OSU Extension Agent. It is intended as a guide for growers throughout the year and is an annual feature of the Nut Growers Society Proceedings. Each year the information is updated to current conditions and practices.

Orchard Economics: The Costs and Returns of Establishing and Producing Hazelnuts in the Willamette Valley - Oregon’s Willamette Valley is the home of the United States hazelnut industry. Growers produce around 29,000 acres of hazelnuts.

Stone Fruit

Cherry Training Systems: Selection and Development -This guide provides information on the understanding, systems, techniques, and information on training cherry trees.

Cherry Pest Management Guide for the Willamette Valley - The best cherry pest management guide based upon orchard, variety, tree size and density, pests, etc.

Selecting Peach and Nectarine Varieties for the Willamette Valley -Due to local climate, selecting adequate varieties is important unless there is protection against disease and insects that can damage the tree.

Growing Walnuts in Oregon - This publication is designed for those who grow walnuts commercially in Oregon, as well as for homeowners with walnut trees.

Cornell Tree Fruit - Resources including production, IPM, post harvest, safety, marketing, and labor for tree fruits.

Pennsylvania Tree Fruit Production Guide -This guide collates information on the full range of commercial tree fruit production issues.

UVM Tree Fruit - Tree fruit resources from the University of Vermont.

Pest Management

OSU Integrated Pest Management Center - This center publishes the PNW Pest Management Handbooks, provides extensive weather station links and pest and crop models, coordinates pest management and pesticide safety training

Pest Management Guide for Tree Fruits in the Mid-Columbia - Pest management guide for orchards, spraying, pesticide resistance, chemical thinning, and plant growth for tree fruits.

Apple Pest Management Guide for the Willamette Valley - The best apple pest management guide based upon orchard, variety, tree size and density, pests, etc.

Apple Scab -  Publication discussing the symptoms, cycle, and control of apple scab.

Cherry Pest Management Guide for the Willamette Valley - The best cherry pest management guide based upon orchard, variety, tree size and density, pests, etc.

Detecting and Controlling Eastern Filbert Blight - This publication covers the symptoms, cycle, susceptibility, and control of the EFB fugal disease.

Hazelnut Pest Management Guide for the Willamette Valley - The best hazelnut pest management guide based upon orchard, variety, tree size and density, pests, etc.

Identification of Invasive and Reemerging Pests on Hazelnuts - Hazelnuts are produced in many countries, including the United States. Hazelnuts are grown on approximately 30,000 acres in the Willamette Valley, accounting for about 99 percent of U.S. production and 5 percent of world production.

Peach Pest Management Guide for the Willamette Valley - The best peach pest management guide based upon orchard, variety, tree size and density, pests, etc.

Pear Pest Management Guide for the Willamette Valley - The best pear pest management guide based upon orchard, variety, tree size and density, pests, etc.

Walnut Pest Management Guide for the Willamette Valley - The best walnut pest management guide based upon orchard, variety, tree size and density, pests, etc.

Other useful links

ATTRA Fruit Publications - These resources offer detailed information on production of specific horticultural crops, focusing on sustainable and organic production methods for traditional produce, and also introducing a range of alternative crops and enterprises. In these publications you can find information on strategies for more sustainable greenhouse and field production of everything from lettuce to trees.

Growing Tree Fruits and Nuts in the Home Orchard - This publication will help you decide if a home orchard is right for you. It also gives guidelines for growers and describes how to plan your home orchard, planting and early care, care of bearing trees, and harvesting and storage.

Pruning to Restore an Old, Neglected Apple Tree - This publication guides a reader through pruning an old apple tree in order to restore it. Pruning a neglected tree all at once produces excessive and unmanageable regrowth. 

Managing Diseases and Insects in Home Orchards - This pest management guide was prepared for the home gardener. It doesn’t meet the exacting requirements of the commercial fruit grower.

Home Orchard Society - Orchard Society that provides information and knowledge of fruit growing.