Berries & Grapes


Nutrient Management of Berry Crops in Oregon - This summary is intended as a brief overview and as a supplement to the nutrient management guides available online at Oregon State University: Nutrient Management for Blueberries in Oregon, EM 8918; Cranberries: Nutrient Management Guide, EM 8903-E; and Strawberries. Fertilizer Guide, FG 14).

National Clonal Germplasm Repository: Corvallis - The National Clonal Germplasm Repository (NCGR) at Corvallis, Oregon, is a gene bank that preserves invaluable plant genetic resources of temperate fruit, nut, and agronomic crops. This gene bank maintains collections representing global diversity of hazelnuts, strawberries, hops, pears, currants, gooseberries, raspberries, blackberries, blueberries, and cranberries.

Grape Production in Central Oregon - Considering the cold climate, is it possible to have a viable grape growing industry in Central Oregon? Approximately 50 members of the newly formed Central Oregon Grape Growers and Vintners Association at least believe in the possibility.


Growing Blackberries in Your Home Garden - Oregon is known around the world for its blackberries. This publication briefly describes the growing requirements and production systems for blackberries. Differences among types are indicated as appropriate.

A Grower’s Guide to Pruning Highbush Blueberries – The Oregon Blueberry Growers Association called this an indispensable tool for beginning and experienced growers. A commercial grower and two Extension scientists show a four-step procedure for pruning plants of all ages to increase yield and quality. Designed for both the commercial grower and the home gardener. Illustrates the basics of plant growth, equipment, and ways to increase pruning speed.

Blueberry Pest Management Guide for the Willamette Valley  - This management guide provides recommendations for chemicals, formulations, and usage rates of products that are intended to prevent, manage and control various blueberry diseases and pests in the Willamette Valley.

Cranberry Production in the Pacific Northwest - This is a Pacific Northwest Extension Publication available for purchase, information including irrigation, nutrition, pruning, harvesting, diseases, pests, and the economics of cranberries.

Biological Control of Black Vine Weevil Larvae in Cranberry - Biological control options and recommendations for this economically important insect pest of cranberries.

Lingonberry Production Guide for the Pacific Northwest - This Lingonberry guide covers production, climate, pollination, common uses, yield, management, pests, harvesting, and resources for more information.

Economic Evaluation of Lingonberry Production in Oregon - Lingonberry is one of the lesser known small fruits in North America, but is widely known in Europe. Worldwide, most lingonberries are harvested from the wild by hand.

Growing Strawberries in Your Home Garden - This publication has information on growing many varieties of strawberries in order to pick ripe fruits from late spring until early winter.


Table Grapes

Growing Table Grapes - Grapes are a popular choice for the home garden. You can use the fruit in many ways, and properly managed grapevines are great additions to the home landscape. Though grapes can be grown throughout Oregon, they are considered temperate zone plants.

Pests of Grapes - This site has resources that offer information on year round grape pests, pest management, and more information. Including a Year-Round IPM Program Annual Checklist.

Wine Grapes

Oregon State University viticulture and enology program - The Institute is a multidisciplinary collaboration of research and outreach specialists in areas including viticulture and enology. These world-class scientists include faculty from OSU and USDA-ARS scientists. One of the goals charged to the OWRI is to develop a vigorous program of research and outreach in the area of wine business.

Washington State University viticulture and enology program - This site serves as a starting point to find information published and provided by the WSU Viticulture and Enology Extension team regarding grape juice, the processing, and wine industries of WA.

Pest Management Guide for Wine Grapes in Oregon - This management guide provides recommendations for chemicals, formulations, and usage rates of products that are intended to prevent, manage and control various diseases and pests in Oregon vineyards. 

Wines Northwest - A Pacific Northwest online guide to wines, wine country, and touring. Oregon's northern latitude brings long hours of summer sunshine to its more than 20,000 vineyard acres, allowing a wide variety of wine grapes to grow throughout the many wine growing regions of the state.

Wines of Oregon - This is an online directory of Oregon winery websites. Wines of Oregon dedicates this website to the Oregon wine growers and wineries that have made this an exciting time in Oregon history.

Sampling Guide for Nutrient Assessment of Irrigated Vineyards in the Inland PNW - This sampling guide explains the importance of analyzing tissues in perennial fruit crops such as wine grapes as an important way to determine the need for fertilizer that is critical for quality production.

Other useful links

ATTRA Fruit Publications - This site has resources that offer detailed information on production of specific horticultural crops, focusing on sustainable and organic production methods for traditional produce, and also introducing a range of alternative crops and enterprises. In these publications you can find information on strategies for more sustainable greenhouse and field production of everything from lettuce to trees.

Fertilizing Your Garden - Plants need an adequate level of nutrients to thrive. This publication will help you ensure that your plants receive ample levels of all nutrients for optimum yield, quality, and aesthetic value. It discusses factors involving plant growth, types of fertilizer, and how much fertilizer to apply.

North American Blueberry Council - This site is a Blueberry directory that covers food processors, recipes, FAQs, and gardening blueberries.