Value-Added Food Processing Technologies – A collection of food processing resources from various sources maintained by the OSU Department of Food Science and Technology.
Freezing Fruits and Vegetables - Freezing is one of the simplest and least time consuming methods of food preservation. For quality, it is important to follow freezing directions.
Pickling Vegetables - From the Oregon State University Extension Catalog, Pickling Vegetable safety information, techniques, ingredients, and storing.
Drying Fruits and Vegetables - Drying foods is a way of preservation, conservation, and preparation. Foods personally dried cost less than ones bought in a grocery store.
Promoting the Safety of Northwest Fresh and Processed Berries - This publication promotes the safety of northwest processed berries, and covers topics such as food-borne illness, preharvest, harvest, and postharvest information.
OSU Department of Food Science and Technology - Within the College of Agricultural Sciences, the FST offers undergraduate and graduate programs of study.
Food Innovation Center - The Food Innovation Center offers one stop access to important services for food producers, processors, marketers, and entrepreneurs. Services include a commercial kitchen, marketing support, processing and packing technology, product development, export services and sensory and consumer analysis. It operates through a partnership between Oregon State University and the Oregon Department of Agriculture.
Postharvest Produce Facts - Recommendations for maintaining postharvest quality for fruits and melons, vegetables, and ornamentals.