CleBer LLC Introduces a Versatile New Tractor That is Not Just For Cultivation

Authors: Nick Andrews, Oregon State University Small Farms Program & Locky Catron and Michelle Gabrielse, CleBer, LLC

Publish Date: Summer 2017

CleBer began production of the Oggun Iron Horse tractor in January 2017. The design is reminiscent of Allis Chalmers Model G cultivating tractors, but this modern cousin of the G incorporates new features such as hydrostatic transmission, 3-point hitch, zero-turn radius, and an optional PTO. Farmers are beginning to use the Oggun for field preparation, mowing and transplanting, in addition to cultivation.

Horace Clemmons (founder) and Jeff Adams (West Coast sales rep) showed the tractor at Organicology and the OSU Small Farms conference last winter, and Nick Andrews took it to the Tilth Producers Conference. The tractor attracted a lot of interest, and Horace is already incorporating design suggestions from Oregon and Washington growers.

CleBer is using an open-source design process to develop and improve the tractor over time in collaboration with customers, who they refer to as “Vitally Important Partners” (VIPs).

Several farmers in the Pacific Northwest have purchased Oggun tractors, and are working with the manufacturers to adapt the tractor to a wide array of farming practices. For the fall issue of Oregon Small Farm News we will check in with these PNW farmers and see how the tractor is working for them.

Horace and other members of the CleBer team will be visiting the west coast again this fall. In late October they will be in California, then from November 4-12 they’ll be in Oregon and Washington. They are working with local farmers, Extension, and non-profits to host field days and demonstrations with the tractor and their implements. If you are interested in hosting a field day, contact Locky Catron at (256) 244-5939,