Author: Lauren Gwin, NMPAN Co-Coordinator, Small Farms Program, Oregon State University
Publish Date: Summer 12
Every day, meat and poultry processors – the large and the small – have to be food scientists, making sure the products they make are safe to eat. This includes microbiological testing. While large processors have in-plant labs run by dedicated staff with this particular expertise, small processors typically do not. Small plant owners, already jacks and jills of all trades for their businesses, have to handle it all themselves.On Wednesday, August 29, the Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network (NMPAN) will offer a free webinar, “Microbiology 201 for Small Meat Processors,” designed to help small meat processors and their customers understand this complex topic.
New to this topic?
Start with “Microbiology 101 for Small Meat Processors,” a NMPAN webinar offered back in February on the basics:
- Microorganisms in Food
- Pathogens
- Spoilage Organisms
- Microbial Analysis
Learn more about meat processing
The Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network does webinars on topics pertinent to small-scale meat processors, and farmers and ranchers producing meat for local and other niche markets. You can find all the archived webinars, pdfs of slide presentations, and even transcripts on our website: Go to the “About NMPAN” menu and click on “NMPAN Webinars.”
Who is NMPAN?
NMPAN is a network of people from university extension, state depts. of agriculture, nonprofit groups, and others who support small & very small meat processors and the producers who work with them. NMPAN is part of eXtension, a national initiative of the land-grant university system that brings the best university extension information to the web. Check us out at