Getting Started with Pastures?

Welcome to OSU Small Farm’s Pasture and Grazing webpage!

Links and resources here provide the basics on how to establish and maintain a productive pasture.

Pastures represents the predominant feed source for cattle, sheep, goats, and horses in Oregon, either as hay or grazed land. When pasture is managed correctly, it can be one of the most profitable crops on the farm.

Regardless of your farm’s size, whether you have many acres and hundreds of animals or a few acres of pasture with a small flock of sheep, good pasture management results in numerous benefits— improved animal health, reduced feed costs, and a beautiful, well-stewarded landscape.

Pasture management begins with understanding soil yield potential and soil fertility, and also includes learning about the needs of different forage species and rotational grazing systems.

When in doubt, we strongly encourage you to address management practices before renovating a pasture. Most problems, including weed infestation and low yields, can be addressed through management.

Take some time to look through our collection of resources, consider taking our free online Introduction to Pasture and Grazing Management course, and always feel free to reach out to your local Extension office.