Author: Garry Stephenson & Lauren Gwin, Small Farms Program, Oregon State University
Publish Date: Summer 2014
Earlier this year, we unveiled our audacious plan to establish an endowment that will permanently fund additional Small Farms Extension positions.
The new OSU Center for Small Farms & Community Food Systems was created to support the Extension Small Farms Program and its work in organic and sustainable agriculture, strong local food economies and successful small farms.
Tell us you support this goal by donating $1. We want hundreds of farmers and local food system folk to say, “I love it! I’m in!”
Go here, learn more about our campaign, and donate one dollar (or more) to change the world.
What donors are saying:
“I am excited by OSU's visionary work to sustain small farms by creating the new OSU Center for Small Farms & Community Food Systems. Good work!”
“The Center for Small Farms is an extremely important resource that I want to see expanded to other parts of Oregon.”
“I give back in recognition of all the help and encouragement I've received from the Small Farms Program staff. I'm grateful for their help.”
“I believe small farms are an integral component of a sustainable food system and fully support additional extension service to help our community achieve this goal.”
Your Farms. Your Food. Your Communities. Our Future.